These loans are fully secured against Immovable assets such as Apartment or Condo generally provide to individuals have there assets located in Yangon region. These borrowers are the people who needs money for there Marriage, events or other personal use . Loan amortization period is from 6 month to 24 months. Loan amount depends on […]
FNI is a provider of both Non-Life and Life insurance policies in Myanmar. Non-life Insurance is the Company’s largest business, with motor and fire insurance comprising 96% of the total GWP in FY 2018. MBF borrower are the good market share for FNI. MBF serves as a major insurance business partner for FNI.
YOMA bank and MBF has signed MMK 2.2 billion funding agreement in support of MBF’s Operation in Myanmar on 1st February 2019. With the fund provided by IFC, MBF aims to reach an additional five thousand new customers. The partnership aims to address growing demand of consumers, who are in need of unsecured loan for[…..]
Achievement to procure funds from Japan, as a first Overseas investor in MBF.
Capital lease finance is another mode of finance provided only to Business organization, who needs Heavy vehicle, Machinery or Movable assets for running there business. Although this mode of finance is for long term, but its monthly lease payment is quit lower as then Hire-Purchase. At end of its Lease period Lessee has option to[…..]
Product financing is another financing method adopted by MBF that bridge a gap between consumer and seller. This Mode of finance not only help consumer to get the products easily but also, helps seller to reduce working capital cycle in his business.
These loans are fully secured against movable assets, generally provide to individuals have there assets located in Yangon region. These borrowers are small entrepreneur, Taxi driver, handy craft, Street food sellers or Professional skilled workers. Loan amortization period is from 6 month to 24 months. Loan amount depends on the value of assets put as[…..]
Basically these loans are unsecured, provided to individuals to spend onwedding, Travel, Medical, house rent & kill there high interest debt. Normally Individuals are salaried people working in Govt. , Teachers , Defense & Private company employees. Loan amortization period is from 6 month to 18 months, generally depends on Loan amount and monthly income.
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